Thursday, September 14, 2006

203, -1, -38 pounds total

This looks bad, but I'm not that upset about it. I was wearing sweats, because we were exercising in group today. The sweats weigh more than what I normally wear, so I'm not worried. According to my daily morning weigh-in I've lost 4, so there!

I am, however, going to use this moment to commit myself to not cheating! The cheating has to stop! Enough with the goofing around. It's gross and I'm not going to do it any more!

Someone said something really good last night in group. I think it's from one of the books they gave us that I never read. She said, "reward the behavior, not the result." I've been looking too much at the weight loss and not enough to what I am doing. I think I am dealing with some emotional issues, or at least looking at them, so in a way I am confronting my food demons. But I've been fortunate enough to lose weight even though I'm regularly cheating, so I haven't really been dealing with that behavior. This coming week is all about not cheating, and finding healthy outlets.


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