Thursday, August 17, 2006

214, -3, -27 pounds total

Three more pounds down, 64 to go.

I started "running" on the treadmill again. It's a Walk to Jog Plan that I found in Prevention Magazine - 12 weeks to running 45 minutes. This week is 15 minutes - 4 mins walking 1 min running, but I stay on the treadmill for 45 mins total with 30 minutes of fast walking. I am in very bad shape. My gym clothes are also in very bad shape. They have been sitting in the back of my hall closet for many months and when I put them on they smelled bad. I have since re-washed everything, but man! Yuck!

I am back to wearing the ugly blue sweatpants. The strange thing is that I weigh about the same as I did back when that pic was taken, but the pants are looser. Go figure. Once I get down to 208, which is where I left off last time, I am going to reward myself with some nice headphones. It's also around the 1/3 mark, so I think that is a good thing to celebrate.


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