Saturday, July 08, 2006

Day 3

I'm on my third day now. So far so good. There was cake for Rebecca's birthday at work yesterday and I wasn't going crazy because I couldn't have a piece. It was even chocolate with chocolate frosting, nigh irresistable. I have been sitting with coworkers at lunch and so far I don't want their lunches.

The times when I really want to eat something are at around 3pm, when I want something salty, and when I'm driving home from work. For some reason I start obsessing over chinese food. I wonder if it's a habit, like how I still want a cigarette when I drive long distances, even though I haven't smoked since high school. I tried having some of the soup that I am allowed at 3pm to appease my need for salty. It worked pretty well.

Don, the guy at work who inspired me to go on this diet, told me that the soup tasted like piss. I asked him how he knew what piss tasted like, and we had a fun little discussion about pee drinking as a ritual. He conceded that the soup tastes how piss smells since he has never actually tasted piss. I tried the soup and it's not that bad, better than some boullion I've had in the past. It does have this weird sweet aftertaste that is kinda icky but I'm pretty sure I can cover that up with some careful seasoning.

As to the shake flavors, the chocolate is not bad, the vanilla tastes like ass and the orange is ok. I went and got some sugar-free Torani syrup to flavor the vanilla with. The syrup covers up the ass flavor nicely but is way sweeter than I like. The search continues. Some people use iced tea. I found some stuff on the internets called Flavor2Go that looks promising. I may order some next week.

So far I have lost about 7 pounds. I'm sure it's all water weight, so I'm not especially encouraged by the loss. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it, I just know that it's not all going to come off that quick. I'm planning on at least 6 months of Optifast.


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