Saturday, December 31, 2005

Dancing is Fun-damental

Yesterday I bought a couple of exercise DVDs, you know, for the New Year's weight loss thingy.

I got some dance ones because I thought, "dancing is fun and easy, so I will want to do it." What I forgot is that this sort of dancing requires coordination, and learning actual dance steps. You have to do things with both your arms and your legs, at the same time, and at the same time the other people are doing them. Bleh.

I forgot how embarassed I got in the aerobics classes that I have taken in the past. They went right, I went left. I always had to keep from crying because I was such a dork. So now I am stuck with these tapes, and they make me sad and embarassed, the opposite of what I wanted. This is not fun. Since I spent the money on them, I will feel obliged to keep trying. At least here at home there is nobody to witness my flailings. Even so, I still feel like I want to cry. How stupid is it that I feel self-concious even when nobody else can see me?


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