Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fighting the Urge

I'm having a hard time staying on course today. Yesterday I had some dental work done. I bought some regular soup because I was feeling kinda crappy and just didn't want to cook for a change. This morning I got on the scale and was 2 pounds heavier - in just one day! That is just so fucked! Two cans of soup and I'm two pounds up. Gah! It's so discouraging!

The other thing is that now that I have eaten regular food, I want some more. Visions of Greasy Panda orange chicken are dancing around in my head. I am fighting it, but it's hard. I have four more weeks to go with this diet. I've been pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. I hate obsessing about food like this. Bleh.

I'm not sure what I can do to make it easier. There is a little voice inside of me that suggests that if I just have a little bit of what I want I won't want it again for a while. That may be true, but it might just make things worse. I can try to make more interesting food. I've been looking at these pics that I'm posting here just to remind myself that I don't want to look like that anymore.

Perhaps I can embarrass myself into staying the course.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger m said...

What's the sodium content of the soup? A lot of canned soups have crazy amounts of salt and you get wicked bloated. Don't worry, those 2 pounds have got to just be water. Drink lots of fluids and it'll be better.


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