Thursday, July 20, 2006

230 pounds

I only lost 2 pounds last week. Grrr.

I had so much temptation and I didn't cheat and this is the thanks I get. On Monday, I was seriously tempted by free sandwiches. Free food! So hard to say no. I actually stood in front of the platter seriously considering taking one. But then I decided that if I was going to cheat, I was going to cheat with something really good. Not some stupid ole sandwiches. On tuesday I was driving home trying to decide if it was cheating if I chewed the food and then spit it out. I was jonsing for rolled tacos so bad I had dreams about it. Pretty pathetic, huh. You try giving up regular food for two weeks and tell me how you feel! Nothing that I am eating (drinking, actually) is especially tasty. There is very little variety, just 3 flavors of shakes and only one flavor of soup. I can flavor them up a little, but in the end it's still not that great. My friend told me that I need to book a massage to reward myself for resisting temptation and I think she is right. Part of this whole thing is learning to reward myself with something other than food.

The good news is that by Wednesday I was losing that really intense need to eat rolled tacos. I feel a little better today, like I have made it past a little roadbump. Still, it's very disappointing to only lose 2 pounds.

I'm going to have to ramp up the exercise more. My goal for this week was to make it up to 6000 steps every day, up from an average of 4500-5000, but that has been surprisingly easy, so I'm bumping it up to 8000. Next week it'll go up to 9000, and after that I think it's time to hit the treadmill to start up my running program again. I'm not looking forward to going back to the gym, but I have to find a way to make it work for me.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out where to book my massage...


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