Thursday, June 21, 2007

181, -3, 60 pounds total

This has been a really shitty week for me overall. There wasn't anything in particular going on, I just feel crappy and discouraged.

OK, maybe some things did go on. I've been trying to take a picture of myself. All of them look bad. I look bad. Being a photo retoucher I can make the pictures look better, but out in the world I still look like a horrorshow. I can't believe I'm allowed to walk down the street looking like that. Even I think there should be a law against looking that scary. Maybe I should get a hat with a net. I do like the vintage look. Am I busting my ass trying to lose weight for nothing? The truth is, even if I do lose 20-30 more pounds I'll still have a face that makes small children cry. I will never be attractive.



At 11:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

OMG I think you look great! Jeez, lady.
Tonight I was watching that Pop culture trivia thing on VH1 and thinking I could totally kick ass, but then thinking, but then I'd have to be on teevee, with that lighting, and scaring people.
But I really would, and you really would not. Because you're pretty. So shut up.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger disastrogirl said...

Silly Janet!

You look great too. When I saw you at the PITP last time you looked lovely! And you would totally kick ass at any pop culture trivia thing. Don't let the bright lights scare you off!


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