Thursday, January 25, 2007

181, -2, 60 pounds total

This is the best non-cheating week I have had in a while and I only lost 2 pounds. It's very disheartening. Maybe if I didn't cheat at all I would lose 3, so it's my fault. No, these are my conscequences for the decisions I've been making.

It's pretty clear that the big thing that I need to incorporate, besides the not cheating, is more exercise. That just a few tiny indescretions can cause such big results is a sign that I need to get my metabolism up. Just imagine what would be happening if I was eating regularly again. I'd gain it all back in no time. I DO NOT want that to happen. They tell you all the time in the weekly classes that if you don't incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle you will never keep the weight off. I believe it.


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