Thursday, February 08, 2007

180, -3, 61 Pounds Total

Yay for me! I broke the 60 pound barrier!

I didn't really deserve it since I ate all kinds of stuff last week. But I get things I don't deserve all the time, and at least this is a positive thing.

I came to the conclusion that I need to make some changes, since I can't seem to get back on track the way I want to.

One of the things I decided is that I am going to give myself a deadline. On April 5 I am going to start tapering off the Optifast (going on PFEs, for those in the know) regardless of how much more weight I lose. I picked April 5 because that is what I have on my spreadsheet as the projected date that I would be going on PFEs assuming I stay on the Optifast and lose about 3 pounds per week. If I stay on and lose, great. If I cheat a bit and don't lose a pound, that is OK too. I'm just ready to be done and if I let myself I might be able to stretch this process out until next February. I'm giving myself a last chance to get rid of another 20-25 pounds or so and maybe the deadline will help me focus.

I also went out last night and got myself some legos and built a little lego chart of the pounds I have left to lose. It seems kinda stupid, I know. I just need to find some new ways to motivate myself, since the old ones don't seem to work so well these days. I'm trying to find the spirit that I had in the first couple months. If I can harness it for just a few more months I can reach my goal... or not. I have two months to see how well I can behave.


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Rie said...

Congratulations on losing more than 60 pounds! That's amazing!!!

And thanks for all your encouraging comments on my blog. I never know who's actually out there in cyberspace reading it!

I'm starting PFE's next week - as of today I'm 15 pounds from my goal. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I think I'm ready.

Good luck with losing those final pounds!


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