211, -2, 27 lbs total
Starting Weight: 238
Goal Weight: 150
Last Weigh in: 211
Lost in previous week: 2 lbs
Total weight loss: 27 lbs
I’ve been back in the Optifast now for six weeks. My first day back was Valentine’s day. What a romantic gift! I’ll only “eat” ass-flavored shakes for the next 30 weeks or so. Yay! OK, the shakes aren’t that bad. The chocolate ones are OK, and the vanilla ones are good if you mix them up with diet Snapple peach tea. But I digress. I’ve decided to revive the blog and share my weight loss experiences with whomever decides to come have a look. I didn’t want to at first because I’m ashamed that I have regained almost all the weight I lost last time. I also feel like I come across as a big whiner, and maybe I don’t want that on the internet. Also, I’m not the best blogger, or writer for that matter. I just decided that, since I’m doing things a little bit differently this time, maybe the blog will also be better. Hopefully my experiences will help someone else who is going through similar challenges.
My starting weight this go-round was a pretty embarrassing 238 pounds. In the six weeks I’ve been on the program I’ve lost 27 pounds. Go me! I started out on the Optifast 70. It is very effective if you don’t cheat, and I was determined to not cheat like I did last time. Of course, I can’t just do the program like everybody else. No, I have to do things the hard way. My “problem” is that I’m also planning on hiking up Mt. Whitney this summer with my friend Michael. I’m super excited to go, and we just got our permit confirmed for June 21. The trouble lies in the amount of exercise I have to do in order to be in proper shape to summit the mountain without requiring an airlift back out again. I need more calories than the Optifast can give me even when I’m on training hikes.
I had already decided that I needed to be on full food during the hike, but after trying to do even short hikes I was getting really exhausted. I went in early on Tuesday, which is my weigh-in and class day, to talk to the Exercise Physiologist and the Nurse about what I should be doing in order to stay on the diet AND climb the big mountain. The EP was very helpful and supportive. He told me that I would need to switch to the Optifast 800 and also supplement that with extra calories on hikes longer than one hour so that I have enough to get by without falling over and so that my body can recover. This is going to make the Optifast plan a little harder for me since I will be on partial food also. I have to be smart about what I eat so that I will still have the weight loss that I want.
Talking to the nurse was a very different experience. She kinda freaked out on me. I appreciate that she has my best interests at heart, but she was very alarmist and sounded pretty certain that I was going to kill myself or something. I almost walked out of her office, but she calmed down a little and I was able to get her to switch me to the Optifast 800.
Am I really the only person who has come into the Optifast program and then had an athletic event come up? Maybe. It seems surprising to me. I know that most people come for the product. What I learned from gaining the weight back is that the counseling is just as important. I really need the weekly check-ins and the group sessions. It’s comforting to be going through the weight loss with other people who are having the same hardships. I thought it would be good to have an exercise goal at the same time. My mistake was choosing one that was a little too hardcore. I didn’t realize when I decided on Mt. Whitney how much I would have to put into it. Maybe it would be better to go on hiatus from Optifast until after climbing the mountain. I don’t think they would let me but I’ll ask about it next week so I know what my options are.